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Popularity Soars As 'Tiny Tapir' Offer Mums Eco-Friendly

Alternative To Disposable Nappies!

Bangsar, MALAYSIA, Monday 22nd February 2016 – A Malaysian based environmentally aware company have announced the availability of their latest eco-friendly 'back to nature' range of baby products, which has seen mums across the country turn to more traditionally cloth nappies, in place of the widely used disposable option.


The recent resurgence in traditional cloth nappies has been gaining impetus since European countries recognised not only the benefits of cloth nappies, but also the environmentally damaging implications associated with using disposable nappies.


Tiny Tapir ambassador, Rosemarie Adolfo commented: “It's estimated that a baby will use approximately 4,700 by the time they are toilet trained, so it's a very big issue, both in terms of cost but more importantly in terms of the environmental impact this is having.”


Across many European countries, governments have been allocating funding to projects to encourage mums to try cloth nappies in place of disposables. Contrary to popular belief, modern cloth nappies are now designed to be well fitting and functionally effective, with the added benefit of a reduced environment impact, both in their production and in long term use.


Rosemarie Adolfo continued: “We're proud to be helping mums everywhere do their bit for a more sustainable world, by providing reusable products such as cloth nappies. As Malaysia's first company to do this, we're thrilled to be helping raise awareness for greener living.”


A study by the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) and the Real Nappy Association (RNA) highlighted a reduction in global warming impact and a lower carbon footprint can be achieved by switching to modern cloth nappies, which has contributed to resurgence in the popularity of the more traditional approach.


As a result, Tiny Tapir is now working hard to ensure a greater accessibility to cloth nappies exists in Malaysia, with their online store-front now offering a wide range of European and US brands. For more information please visit the official site at


About Tiny Tapir:


Tiny Tapir was launched by a group of friends who took a look at their daily lives and realised there was a better way to approach everyday consumer life. The concept was a simple one of finding high quality products that reduced waste and helped improve the environment around us.  The organisation looks to match the increasing demand for these goods in Malaysia, with a supply, provided by work at home mums in impoverished countries. Tiny Tapir works in conjunction with NGO's globally to identify opportunities to continue their work.


Media Contact:


Contact: Tiny Tapir press department


Telephone: +6017-690 1681


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