Zoobies China made and Zoobies China made ‘’pasar malam’’. What are the differences?
How often do we hear the words spoken ‘’made in China goods are rubbish in quality’’? Such comments would generally appear to be true...

Another special for water-less parents
If you are a cloth diapering mama or papa you are definitely feeling the water rationing effects very badly this month. We may have a...

Well there’s no water. So we put this one on sale….
It’s not a very pleasant time to be in Malaysia right now, what with the water restrictions & the terrible haze. We can’t do much to ease...

Kiwi Pie Chickadee – 50% off!
As we’re getting ready to release the new design of Kiwi Pie cloth diaper in Malaysia we have found ourselves with 6 lonely older style...

Coming up on Christmas…
.. why not check out some gorgeously smelly Dirt Candles for the festive season? We only have a few of these left. Why do we love them?...

The AngelPack story.
In November 2003 I had my new baby girl, there I was, a new mother, one little piece of me who meant the world to me. I wanted to protect...

Flyebaby – Portable Seat
FlyeBaby is the original portable, hammock-style, fabric seat that can be used for infants and babies on airplanes, dining room chairs...

Beware of Fake Moby Wraps!
We are very concerned and disturbed about the counterfeit Moby Wraps emerging on the market recently, especially in Europe and Malaysia!...

Earth Mama Angel Baby Milkmaid Tea – Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Hi Mommas, here’s another sweet deal from Tiny Tapir – that’s 3 boxes for only RM83.80! Milkmaid Tea was created for those times when the...

Special Offer : Bouncy Baby Microfiber Diapers
Hi all! We have a few pieces of Bouncy Baby double Microfiber insert diapers left – (we’re moving to only hemp inserts soon) – for only...